Here is a list of Insurance carrier toll free phone numbers to self report your claim.
AAA - 800-289-5255
1st Report - 800-723-0220
Allied Toll Free - 800-282-1446
Allied Glass - 800-595-3222
Allied/CRB - 888-657-6758
Atlantic Central Rep# - 800-945-7461
Atlantic - IL office - 800-289-6548
Auto Owners - 888-252-4626 (After hours only)
Capitol Ind - 608-231-4450
Chubb - 800-252-4670
Dairyland - 800-638-8763
Foremost - 800-527-3907
Gallager Bassett - 800-548-6040
General Casualty - 800-513-9956
Work Comp - 800-362-5448
Hawkeye - 800-242-7420
1st report - 877-429-5185
Great American C/L - 888-317-4828
Hanover - Atlanta - 800-628-0250
Hanover property - 800-388-4300
Hanover IL - 800-685-5669
Hanover Glass - 800-369-4527
Hartford(PL) - 800-243-5860
The Hartford(Comm) - 800-327-3636
Hartford WC - 877-952-9222
Hartford Steam B - 800-621-0246
IMT - 800-274-3531
Kemper - Milw - 800-242-8808
Kemper 1st Report - 888-252-2799
Kemper WC - 800-711-6806
Philadelphia - 800-765-9749
Progressive 1st Report - 800-925-2886
Progressive - 800-274-4499
Commercial Auto - 800-532-9632
Progressive Agent# - 877-776-2436
Racine County Mutual - 262-886-3617
Orion 1st report - 800-334-0090
Metlife Comm - 800-832-7839
St Paul-P/L - 800-854-6011
St Paul-Subro & WC - 800-832-7839
State Auto - 800-492-5246
Travelers 1st report - 800-252-4633
Travelers - 866-661-9041
Society - 800-242-9703
Victoria - 800-951-1617
Viking - 800-457-7070
West Bend - 800-903-4116
WIP-Dick Bye-Man - 414-291-5341
Zurich - 800-987-3373 - 410-527-3060
Zurich WC - 800-565-6295